Songbirds ... a family blogs!

Songbirds ... a family blogs!

Sonntag, 18. Januar 2009

Pleasant Sunday

We had a very pleasant Sunday today.
It included:

- a lovely breakfast with homemade bread,
melon, fresh orange juice and actually flowers
on the table (I bought some tulips yesterday)
- a rainy but refreshing walk in the morning
(we also checked on the car which seems to
work alright again - yippieh!)
- baking lots of cookies with the kids
- playing some guitar
- having a family bath (sounds crazy and
IS crazy! We DO all fit into one bathtub!)
- reading books to Amelie
- starting a sewing project: a new dress for
Amelie (Lisa was busy making a dress for her
toy doggy)

I hope you all had a pleasant Sunday, too!

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